what i’m reading: sustainability book recommendations

I am always looking for new book recommendations so thought I would share what I've been reading lately. these are all sustainability focused, particularly looking at what the future might look like, depending on the actions we take today.


the uninhabitable earth, by david wallace-wells. to be frank, this is not the most uplifting book, but a necessary read that bluntly describes the realities of climate change in the not so distant future should we continue the same path we are on now: a fossil fuel based, high carbon emitting society. hint: it's pretty bleak. economic collapse, climate refugee emergencies, food and water scarcity.

the soil will save us, by kristin ohlson. if I could have a second career, it would be as a regenerative farmer. ohlson recounts her travels around the world, visiting scientists and farmers who are working to heal the land they farm and restore the integrity of its soil. ohlson shows how regenerative agriculture can not only be prosperous, but also an incredible opportunity to help reverse climate change by pulling carbon out of the air and into the soil. this book is a great overview of regenerative agriculture practices and benefits.

the future we choose, by christiana figueres and tom rivett-carnac. known for their work in leading the Paris Agreement negotiations (the international agreement to aim for well below 2 degrees Celsius of global warming) Figueres and Rivett-Carnac paint two very different future scenarios for the reader - one of devastation and one of regeneration. they then lay out the mindset and the steps we need to take to move towards the regenerative future, aka one where human society is able to continue to flourish on this planet. this book is a call to action that sounds the alarm, but also provides clean action steps needed to realize this change.




on going minimalist