on going minimalist

Now, I am by no means a strict minimalist (aka living with 100 things or less) but I have made some major steps to simplify my life and transition to a more streamlined way of living. When I shared this on my instagram, the number one question I got was:

How did you get started?


So, that's what I'll be sharing with you all! Here are my top 5 ways to get started on your minimalist journey!

1. Decide Your Why: 
Why do you want to go minimalist? Is it to have less to clean up? A clearer space to work and think in? To have less stress? To be more environmentally friendly? There are so many reasons to go minimalist. Get clear on what it is specifically for you; this will help guide you through the process and be something to come back to.

2. Break It Into Pieces:
Depending on how much stuff you have already, streamlining your materials may take awhile. Tackle your things category by category. For example, maybe start by going through all your kitchen items, or all your skincare and beauty products. Marie Kondo, aka the Queen of simplifying and organizing, suggests gathering all things from one category (e.g. all sweaters), placing them in a pile, then sorting through them. By going category by category it helps you see how much you actually have that serves the same purpose. 

3. Be A Little Ruthless:
If there is something that truly holds sentimental value - keep it. However, if you find that every item you come across is extra special and MUST  be kept...you probably need to be a bit more ruthless. Ask yourself: How often do I use this? Do I have another item exactly like it or very similar? Would someone else appreciate this item more than me?

4. Give To Those In Need:
Building off the last point - when it gets a little bit difficult to think about giving something away - donate it. When I felt a little hesitant to give something away, I would think about giving it to someone who would really appreciate it and really use it, then the decision was easy.

5. Progress Over Perfection:
Going minimalist isn't something that happens overnight and that's OK! I am still in the process of embracing a more minimalist lifestyle, and I feel like I might always be in the process #alwaysgrowing. Take it in bite size chunks, give yourself a pat on the back for the progress you make, and enjoy the journey!


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