meet jules


you have two homes:

the earth and your body.

take care of them.


consciously jules

i want this to be a space for inspiration and information. a space where you can seek answers to questions and find motivation for action. I believe in progress over perfection. there is no one answer for how to live a healthy life and there is no one right way to live sustainably. a healthy and sustainable life will look different for everyone and that is ok! we all have the ability to make a positive change for ourselves and for our earth. little steps add up and create big changes over time, creating a ripple effect out into the world. together, we can make a difference.


my story

consciously jules originally started as place to share more about my yoga practice and my teaching schedule. over the years it has evolved alongside me in form and function, to where it is today: a place to share the things I am passionate about and to provide a resource to you on living a more conscious life.

a little more context, if you rewind about 6 years ago - I had recently picked up and moved across the country from boston to san diego and had enrolled in a yoga teacher training.

i fell in love with the practice, the sense of feeling more connected to myself, more grounded in what mattered to me, and a clarity of mind that i always stepped away from my mat with. always a lover of learning, i dove into the field of health and nutrition, enrolling in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Health Coaching program where I learned how to truly take a holistic approach to wellbeing. our food is only one part of what nourishes us — true health is also our relationships, our passions, our careers, learning, physical movement and spirituality.

during this time, I was putting my “traditional” schooling to use, working as an environmental planner, helping local governments to manage natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

all of my studies and experiences led me to this:

everything is connected, and it all comes back to the earth.

our ability to live, and every experience that that encompasses, depends on the well being of this planet.

the food we eat, the air we breathe, the places we explore and experience life in — they all require a healthy planet.

consciously jules was created to be a resource to you, to create a life that nourishes your own health and wellbeing, while caring for the one place we have to call home.

** general disclaimer: all posts here are my own personal perspective on how to live a more sustainable life along with some cited research to provide fact-based information. take what works for you, leave what doesn’t. be kind to others.