regenerative agriculture podcast roundup

did you know that the ground beneath your feet could hold the key to better health for you and for the planet?

through caring for the soil, regenerative agriculture can help improve the quality of our food, reduce soil erosion, increase the ability of soil to retain water, improve crop yields, and improve soil’s capacity to sequester carbon. 

if you’re interested in learning more about regenerative agriculture, i’ve rounded up 5 podcast episodes to get you started:

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for a health and nutrition focus:

for the sparknotes version:

for a (very) unfiltered farmer’s view:

for a climate change 101 crash course and a different perspective on regenerative agriculture (gotta keep it diverse!): 

still looking for more?

watch: Kiss the Ground (Netflix)

read: the Soil Will Save Us by Kristin Olson

visit: Regeneration International


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