must see sustainability documentaries

with more time at home these days, we've made it a habit to watch a documentary at least once a week. it mixes it up a bit and has been a great way to learn more about a range of topics. below are a few of my favorite sustainability related documentaries, as well as a couple that I haven't seen yet but are on my to watch list!


a life on our planet - david attenborough at 93 is still an incredible activist for our planet. this documentary reflects back on his life, his start as a naturalist, and the changes to the planet he has witnessed over his lifetime. 

chasing coral - this films looks at the destruction to coral reefs caused by climate change. it shows both the beauty of a live reef and the devastation of ones that has been bleached.

minimalism: a look into the life of minimalism and how a life with less, can truly mean more and lead to greater happiness. this documentary inspired me to live more simply and be much more thoughtful with the items I have in my life.

kiss the ground: digs into regenerative agricultural and its potential to improve human and ecological health and also combat climate change. one of my favorites!

true cost: looks into how our clothes get make, and the human and environmental costs of production. this film shows the reality of fast fashion

down to earth: a lighter, but fun to watch mini series that follows zac efron & darin olie around the work as they cover various sustainable lifestyles and technologies. I've always wanted to visit Iceland, but all the more so after watching this series!

decoding Bill Gates: while a different kind of sustainability documentary, it delves into his work around clean water and sanitation and is an interesting look at the work of his and Melinda's foundation

and the ones I've looking forward to watching next:

·       Ice on Fire

·       2040

·       Brave Blue World

·       Before the Flood 


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